projects: Crypto themes and trends worth following in 2022
Bussiness owner
Which upcoming crypto themes are worth following in 2022?
The first is thought to be ETH L2 or Arbitrum, which allows for savings in transaction fees. Including the development of the ETH network that is interesting And in second place is Cordano, which is expected to be more developed and more community interest.
Why this trend will gain traction? Justify your answer.
If it's ETH L2, I think it's getting attention. and more popular from the community And there are many projects participating. As for Cordano, I think it's still evolving and there are a lot of interesting projects.
Rick SpindlerInvestor
Which upcoming crypto themes are worth following in 2022?
Privacy is currently the most overlooked, trending and relevant crypto theme for 2022. People around the world have experienced not only the scamming that is rampant in crypto but also government interference through inequitable regulation and taxation. Projects that address these concerns like $OXEN $XMR $ZEC $SCRT will find themselves in a position to be very successful in 2022 and beyond.
Why this trend will gain traction? Justify your answer.
If your data is not protected, it can be easily collected, tabulated and used in a variety of nefarious ways. One need only monitor crypto headlines to learn of the most recent spam or scam hack. Privacy projects aim to protect crypto holders and will therefore become integral to a sound cyrpto portfolio.
Joshua Buffa BuffaCryptocurrency Trading / senior kid
Which upcoming crypto themes are worth following in 2022?
I believe play to earn is going to be on fire this year and many more to come. This sector is used by adults, teens, and children alike and with so many so many age groups using this for entertainments already the projects will already have a ready made base. And with the stay at home economy now there is only but time for us all for some sort of entertainment to break the mundane. Also I have not heard of wear to earn but I will most definitely be looking into this because if it's what I think it is then it's going to be something of a unicorn. We all can be advertising agents.
Why this trend will gain traction? Justify your answer.
Because all age groups like a good outlet for entertainment and now that we are sort of a stay at home economy the best thing we can do is spend time in the world of digital entertInment.
Blessing AlabiCrypto Enthusiast and Mathematician
Which upcoming crypto themes are worth following in 2022?
Polygon Matic is a project that is worth following in 2022 as investors believe it is an awesome longtime investment. There are a lot of new developments that will be unfolded in this new year. They have partnered with a lot of projects and so far doing good.
Why this trend will gain traction? Justify your answer.
Polygon matic is a growing project and there is still a lot of good surprises to be unfolded. A strong community is one of the reason I believed the project is a good longtime investment.
Samuel KilelembaInto Crypto & NFTs / Nurse
Which upcoming crypto themes are worth following in 2022?
NFT staking- this is where holders of a certain NFT stake their NFTs and earn rewards for staking the NFT. The rewards can be other NFTs, whitelists for upcoming projects etc
Why this trend will gain traction? Justify your answer.
The NFT space has seen an impressive welcome from all walks of life. Everyone is trying to get into NFTs. That being said, NFT staking will gain traction because everyone is getting into NFTs, and most people are buying for the long term
Miguel Rodríguez GarcíaInvestment, B2B sales, business developent, marketing.
Which upcoming crypto themes are worth following in 2022?
Yield farming as a service probably going to be important. I guess Defi 1.0 tokens are going to be relevant this year too as much scam projects have been washed out
Why this trend will gain traction? Justify your answer.
There is a lot going on in Defi and lots of scams and people starting to understand most projects are going to be yield farm to oblivion............
Numan PolattimurPsychologist
Which upcoming crypto themes are worth following in 2022?
Virtual reality projects in metaverse world is worth following. They created such a huge hype eventhought they are not even half way developed.
Why this trend will gain traction? Justify your answer.
With the technology evolving into virtual and visual reality these projects are offering great deal for almost every market. Everyone can enjoy their services and attract many customers.
Galuh TriMesenger
Which upcoming crypto themes are worth following in 2022?
I believe bsc Because many project use this blockchain I wish there were more projects that put security first because security is the main way to access all networks
Why this trend will gain traction? Justify your answer.
because in this era many people use gadgets and often feel bored to fill their time they tend to play games that make money, not the other way around that wastes money thats what i think
Bankole OluwamayowaWeb developer
Which upcoming crypto themes are worth following in 2022?
It is no longer a news that each year has a theme trend it follows to shake the cryptospace. Like defi last year, I believe layer 0 projects will shake the cryptospace this year. It has begun its magic last year but did below it wide usecase. This year should be a good for projects built on layer 0
Why this trend will gain traction? Justify your answer.
Layer 0 supports various consensus algorithms and P2P systems, such as proof-of-work, proof-of-stake, proof-of-activity, proof-of-reputable observations, directed acyclic graphs (DAG) and more to optimize network topology. Layer 0 compliments the three significant pillars of blockchain which are scalability, neutrality and adaptability-supporting block encryption and hiding the block’s origin using P2P relaying.
Ibrahim SundayFull stack web developers
Which upcoming crypto themes are worth following in 2022?
Well, DAO and gaming are one of my favorites, but DeFi is obviously here to stay, it has been here and I think there's more to it than what we are just seeing... Talking about NFT, it is seen as a quick money scheme, considering it's recent adoption and use cases in various projects, I will really will say it's here to stay... Web 3.0, Metaverse are more like a story to me, though projects relating to them will enjoy hypes and attention and much profit can be made to holders. Being that the technology is not fully developed, I see it as something you need to get in early for the profit while we await the technology... DeFi, proof of gaming and NFTs are the real deal in 2022.
Why this trend will gain traction? Justify your answer.
They seems fully developed and the technology are growing day by day with new ideas emerging. I am much more confident that the best of these are yet to come.
This is not a financial advice. Please do your own research and consider the risks of trading cryptocurrencies.