market: ETH vs. BTC: Is the Flippening possible? (EIP-1559 impact)

market: ETH vs. BTC: Is the Flippening possible? (EIP-1559 impact)

< Show Wisdom Collection: ETH vs. BTC: Is the Flippening possible? (EIP-1559 impact)article avatarVictor Osibajo

IT Consultant / Certified Crypto Trader

Will Ethereum develop a strong monetary advantage as ETH supply starts being burned? Would this be a threat to Bitcoin?

We have seen several projects to be targeting both BTC (such as BTG, BCH, BSV) and ETH (EOS, QCK, BNB, eGLD, ZIL etc) with new innovations such as speed, scalability, and user's experience but none is really coming close except BNB which is widely adopted when developer want to sacrifice cost as against seamless user experience and ETH is about to get that resolved. I cannot see ETH threatening on BTC to have a huge impact both now and in the near future. BTC is limited in supply and it is argued severally that BTC might not be more than 16 Million as against 21 Million of total supply as many has been lost during the early stage when BTC worth less than a penny to addresses that private keys was not properly kept. Additionally, the deceased person that got in early and did not pass the private key to anybody is also inclusive, such addresses have no transaction for over a decade. ETH was not created to compete with BTC but as a platform for dApp. BTC is a store of value and poss to replace the traditional mode of currencies. When any thought comes about cryptocurrency, Bitcoin is the first to reckon with, the dominance is huge and most investors feel comfortable with BTC despite its volatility. While ETH keeps on to evolve is the platform that many people see as the future of blockchain, as of now, the platform holds over 70% of DeFi (Decentralized Finance) projects and the ETH 2.0 and EIP-1559 that may likely happen in this quarter, a lot of issues will be addressed which will make it retain its relevancy and gain more dominance in the crypto market share index but I don't see it competing with BTC anytime soon with the huge supply despite the approach of strategically burning the total supply.

article avatarJeffrey Paquin

Compliance Engineer

Will Ethereum develop a strong monetary advantage as ETH supply starts being burned? Would this be a threat to Bitcoin?

For me quite simply this is a matter of apples and oranges. Bitcoin is a store value item. The problem is just like every other bit of wealth in the world bitcoin will soon be owned and controlled by the 1%. And at that point its value will be determined by them and how they choose to play the market. Ethereum on the other hand, is a utility. It is a proxy mechanism for enabling smart contract interaction. Just like every other alt coin that runs on Ethereum. By design they are not meant to be valued the same as a store of value like bitcoin. Ethereum and every coin that runs on it is by design a proxy mechanism for interacting with a smart contract associated with that project. I can’t understand why people say that the market determines the value of these alt coins. By design value of the token should be determined by the value of the service or product you are receiving from your interaction with that project smart contract. For example, let’s look at the decentraland project and it’s native token Mana. In order to purchase land or wearables or anything else within the project you will need a proxy Mechanism to interact with that smart contract to facilitate your transaction. That proxy mechanism happens to be an alt coin called mana. Without that token you cannot facilitate your transaction. So what is it that gives Mana It’s value? Supply and demand from the market? Supply and demand for Virtual property? Ethereum in my opinion gets its value from the projects that are built on its platform and the ease with which these projects interact with Ethereum. Is this reason I feel that bitcoin should not be compared to Ethereum at all. Apples and oranges. When all of the bitcoin has been mined it will be owned and controlled by the super wealthy. Ethereum will provide more opportunities to gain wealth too more people across the world. The burning of Ethereum in my opinion is not the proper course to follow to gain wealth or value. Lowering the transactions fees and developing Ethereum into a more agnostic Platform Will increase its value and desirability. These opinions are my own based on observations study and research over five years. Most will say that my opinions are way outside the box and don’t conform to typical consensus in the communities. Take it as you will.

article avatarDahiru Ahmed

Civil Engineer

Will Ethereum develop a strong monetary advantage as ETH supply starts being burned? Would this be a threat to Bitcoin?

Ethereum will develop a strong monetary advantage as ETH supply starts being burned, EIP 1559 will increase transactions on the Ethereum network and raise the use of ether, which will likely help bring a wave of institutional investors into the market. This will be a threat to Bitcoin as investors will likely go for ethereum considering it's cheaper and has a high level of bringing return on investment.

article avatarRyan Munn

Technology - Finance - Operations - Sales - Marketing - Business Development - Leadership - Coaching - Non-stop Achiever

Will Ethereum develop a strong monetary advantage as ETH supply starts being burned? Would this be a threat to Bitcoin?

Ethereum will struggle to overtake bitcoin because of the relationship between their market values and the cost competition for decentralized compute which is Ethereum's primary advantage. It is not advantageous to the Ethereum virtual machine economics to have a deflationary policy on Ethereum as it will stifle development as competition experiments with various monetary policies, and uncovers more productive models of monetization. ETH may still become a threat to BTC if the community chooses to treat it more as store of value and reprioritized away from the scalability and economic viability of compute (blockchain 2.0) cababilities.

article avatarJon Courtney

Educator, minister, council.

Will Ethereum develop a strong monetary advantage as ETH supply starts being burned? Would this be a threat to Bitcoin?

Bitcoin is incredibly energy intensive and wasteful. It's leading to shortages of computer chips. Ethereum offers serval advantages over Bitcoin that give it an edge. However, there are still known unknowns with the ETH system that could ultimately make or break it. From my perspective Bitcoin is just more well known therefor more likely to have people get onboard with it. Once they work out the problems in ETH, it certainly will become a threat to Bitcoin. This is most likely a few years down the road. Ultimately, both cryptocurrencies have a place in the world and as with any commodity people will tend to diversify their portfolio. It should be noted that any day now a brand new less energy intensive platform could be introduced. Minerium is a great example of this to keep an eye on, simply because it works the opposite way that bitcoin does, and has some of the same attributes that Ethereum has. Generally the better product tends to win the market, but there are forces at work in various country's governments that are giving aid to certain platforms over others. In other words, geopolitical issues are a large driver of what is adopted and discarded. As of today I notice many people are concerned with China pushing for a digital yuan, which could dethrone a large portion of all blockchain products.

article avatarOffelia Ogg

A farm and a laboratory that utilize blockchain technology for genetic purposes.

Will Ethereum develop a strong monetary advantage as ETH supply starts being burned? Would this be a threat to Bitcoin?

Comparing ether and bitcoin is worthless. Ether never overtakes bitcoin in market capitalization. Absurd. I hate ethereum for its transaction costs, for disability of making all in time. For me it's project where devs can talk the talk and then walk the walk

article avatarAthanasios Sarigiannidis

Algorithm creator, coder, chem. engineer,trader,investor

Will Ethereum develop a strong monetary advantage as ETH supply starts being burned? Would this be a threat to Bitcoin?

it will be no actual flippening but only a non pragmatic one. maybe a cycle or 2 down the road BTC goes to is peak and then when alts take over maybe then ETH for a short period of time surpasses market cap of BTC for a week or a month or so. that's all. but this is not flippening. this is just playing in the sand.

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