Insights on EIP 1559 and ETH 2.0 launch dates. Price predictions for the next 6 months.

According to a Tweet posted by Omar Bham, “buying Ethereum before EIP1559 in July 2021 is basically free money”.
However, based on the Ethereum EIP 1559 proposition Github thread, official Ethereum thread on EIP 1559, and other clues on the web, we can expect the Ethereum EIP 1559 later than July 2021 because of potential miners' revolt which could postpone the release date. I would not be surprised if it happens after ETH 2.0 launch.
Together with the Experty members who are following the ETH 2.0 and EIP 1559 actions, we have tried to establish at least a time frame for ETH 2.0 full launch. Also, I've asked about opinions related to the impact of the whole situation on the ETH token price in the next 6 months and their expectations of EIP 1559.
Most believe that the Ether price range within the next 6 months will be $2000 to $20 000 USD per ETH. As you could see, opinions are very divided. Therefore I encourage you to read the personal insights of Experty members below.
Community choice: 11% votes
What are your expectations of EIP 1559? Do you think miners will accept EIP 1559?
Probably, hopefully, but we have been here before, in a similar situation when the little guys pushed back against the interests of those holding large amounts of BTC, so always smart to never assume anything is a done detail until the votes have been counted.
What are your predictions of ETH price in the next 6 months?
After two years of near flatlining, followed by the recent renaissance, I think it is important to remember we are still dealing with something that still has a lot of volatility, even or rather especially now we are into ATH territory again. When we see alltime highs, there becomes a lot triumphant prose about how eth & cryptocurrencies time has come, and then, when it gets overheated and has a market correction, the narrative then switches to an overly negative one. My point is that the hype tends to get ahead of the reality, in both bull and bear markets.
Therefore making price predictions is always a slightly illadvised activity. If you look at the price zig zags of both ether and bitcoin, it has more or less been a steady, but sawtoothed rise, i.e. rapid jumps upwards, often followed by almost, but not quite as large falls downward too. Overall this pattern has of course been, overall, upward, but 6 months from now is an arbitrary time period. It took 2+ years to recover from the 2017/8 ether peak to the new ATHs of spring 2021. Therefore it is hard to imagine that from here on eth will merely just rise upwards it has never done that before, so why should it on this iteration either?
Overall, for lots of reasons, it is probably a sounder prediction to say that, in the future, in 1 to 2 years time, eth will be worth more than it is now, but as for 6 months time, well it could be down on the downward trajectory of its sawtoothed journey, or it could be roughly similar to what it is now. It seems quite unlikely that it will be 4k, 10k, or any of those overly excitable predictions that some are making for the rest of 2021.
When will ETH 2.0 fully launch in your opinion? Some people say it’s possible to fully migrate from ETH 1.0 to ETH 2.0 in 2021. What is your take on it?
For this question, applying my experience as a (subaverage) software developer, generally many things to everything in software development takes longer than we might think it will. Especially when it is being bug tested and road tested. Therefore migrating from ETH 1.0 to ETH 2.0 is never going to happen ahead of schedule, and nor should it not if it is going to be secure, and also to avoid glaring errors no one wants to have to make a hard fork again, as this destroys confidence faster than anything. Better for it to be done right, rather than rushed. Therefore my take is to have realistic time frames and expectations, to build something great, rather than something rushed and flawed.
Community choice: 10% votes
What are your expectations of EIP 1559? Do you think miners will accept EIP 1559?
In 2018 Vitalik Buterin told about EIP 1559. That's why I take it as the expected course of events. Without EIP 1559 I don't see the future of Ethereum. For farsighted enough acceptance of proposal will be a great opportunity to increase their assets. Miners have no choice, they need to develop further with Ethereum, I don't want to pay such a high fee for transactions. By myself, I don't use ETH blockchain at all. Why I should use something that costly if in the market there is supply less cost.
What are your predictions of ETH price in the next 6 months?
For predictions of ETH price, all is simple. If to be EIP 1559 we will see a rise of Ethereum, if not to be then the price will fall. I hope for miner's prudence and wish to see at least 5K in the next 6 months.
When will ETH 2.0 fully launch in your opinion? Some people say it’s possible to fully migrate from ETH 1.0 to ETH 2.0 in 2021. What is your take on it?
Earlier developers have already moved the date of launch. What a chance it should happen again?! I evaluate it about 85%. In other words, it's more possible to see ETH 2.0 in 2022 than in 2021. Maybe migration will happen at the end of 2021. Honestly, I have no idea when the 2.0 version will be launched, but with a great pleasure will watch for what's going on. All in good time.
Community choice: 7% votes
What are your expectations of EIP 1559? Do you think miners will accept EIP 1559?
EIP 1559 will be a change, however, whether it will have the intended effect remains to be seen as it implies rational and commercially driven motives on the part of miners i.e. because they will get paid block reward and inclusion fees they won't manipulate. In terms of whether miners will accept the proposal have already traversed governance hurdles so unless they are prepared to break away, they will likely go ahead despite resistance.
What are your predictions of ETH price in the next 6 months?
Price wise ETH is in a hard place. Any mimicking of bitcoin price behavior will impact gas fees, and hence usability of the Ethereum network. Ultimately the trend will be upwards over the next 6 months.
When will ETH 2.0 fully launch in your opinion? Some people say it’s possible to fully migrate from ETH 1.0 to ETH 2.0 in 2021. What is your take on it?
ETH 2.0 is a pretty big milestone for the community with phase 0 underway my view is completion sometime in 2022 for all 3 phases if not earlier. As for migrating from ETH 1.0 to ETH2.0, from what I understand ETH1.0 will just become one of the chains on ETH2.0
Community choice: 7% votes
What are your expectations of EIP 1559? Do you think miners will accept EIP 1559?
EIP 1559 should provide some consistency in gas prices. Unless the scalability issues are addressed, gas prices won't come down. Though many see it as the ultimate solution to fix many Ethereum issues, I am very skeptical about it. EIP 1559 also indirectly indicates that there won't be any cap of Ethers mined. Inflation is balanced by burning the basefee. Will miners agree to it? Theoretically, they can have a say but practically in recent years, they have been abiding by what ETH devs are proposing even the recent block reward reduction. There can be some noise but without any dev support, they won't go for any fork. The miners also know that their days are numbered with ETH2 so they have to make as much as a return on their invested hardware before ETH2 kicks in.
What are your predictions of ETH price in the next 6 months?
Eth price should see a steady rise due to DeFi and the recent NFT craze. Also with more companies like VISA started testing the Ethereum network, the prices can go only one way that is up. I won't be surprised if it reaches 4000 in the next 6 months.
When will ETH 2.0 fully launch in your opinion? Some people say it’s possible to fully migrate from ETH 1.0 to ETH 2.0 in 2021. What is your take on it?
If the developers had developed a completely new chain with PoS and sharding they might have achieved it very quickly. But here the task is to make sure the existing functionalities which were designed keeping PoW’s mind also need to work after the migration. That is a very big ask in itself. Add sharding to it. I think it will take more time and if it is done by 2022, I will be very happy. I think even EIP1559 is introduced because the devs expect a delay in ETH2 implementation.
Community choice: 6% votes
What are your expectations of EIP 1559? Do you think miners will accept EIP 1559?
Like all existing updates, EIP 1559 has good expectations, still causing many controversies, but which ones do not cause it? Both for some or for others, especially for programmers and the mining community for lowering the costs of operations that have placed on the ethereum network. However in the long run they will have to accept the fees imposed to reduce the rates in the quotation of commissions for transactions.
What are your predictions of ETH price in the next 6 months?
This would increase in the next 6 months the value of the coin until possibly reaching the top of the $ 15,000.
When will ETH 2.0 fully launch in your opinion? Some people say it’s possible to fully migrate from ETH 1.0 to ETH 2.0 in 2021. What is your take on it?
Although ETH 2.0 has already been formally implemented, everything is still dependent on the computing power of the miners and the new roadmap. Many think that in 3 years the fusion (2023) but I estimate that if they invent something new we will see this complete fusion arrive from July of this year. On the other hand, specialized sites say that if "a rationalized organization of the Ethereum client operations and developers work, as well as the immense help of the community, it can significantly reduce the timeline of the roadmap."
I think that if there is the will, the organization, the participatory union of all, both users as from miners, the deployment of a new PoS network could be reached faster and with greater success to complete the merger of ETH 1 to ETH 2.0.
Community choice: 6% votes
What are your expectations of EIP 1559? Do you think miners will accept EIP 1559?
In simple terms I would say that EIP 1559 won't solve Ether's main great challenge of high gas fees, most of my expectations are negative about and the high rise of ETH will just make it selfdestruct giving way to Binance coin the greatest rival. Miners won't accept to make losses and this will create war with ETH CEO over price cuts and won't be welcomed by miners. This will kill ETH.
What are your predictions of ETH price in the next 6 months?
Ether price will be dumped due to gas fees as many folks will be migrating to chains that have low transaction fees. ETH will still be less than $5000.
When will ETH 2.0 fully launch in your opinion? Some people say it’s possible to fully migrate from ETH 1.0 to ETH 2.0 in 2021. What is your take on it?
Many ETH staking whales are quite convincing and making it possible for the migration to occur in Q4 of this year. For ETH to remain in the competition and the second lady from BTC needs to work on gas fees.
Community choice: 6% votes
What are your expectations of EIP 1559? Do you think miners will accept EIP 1559?
I expect that some miners will accept reduced mining rewards and others will look for greater profitability elsewhere. I think that's sort of the point, to allow for the gradual transition of mining resources to other projects like Livepeer, Ravencoin, Ethereum Classic, Zcash, Monero, etc. The network will find its balance point.
What are your predictions of ETH price in the next 6 months?
If the bull market continues and EIP 1559 has the effect of dramatically reducing ETH network gas fees in the next 6 months, then I imagine we might see ETH scarcity begin to really drive the price up into the range of $10,000 USD. But even if the bull market comes crashing down and EIP 1559 doesn't begin to sufficiently remedy scalability issues, I still think ETH will hold its price over $1,000 in all circumstances going forward.
When will ETH 2.0 fully launch in your opinion? Some people say it’s possible to fully migrate from ETH 1.0 to ETH 2.0 in 2021. What is your take on it?
I assume ETH 2.0 will be like most things with the Ethereum Network... it will take more time to be fully implemented. I'm not sure reducing ETH gas fees by 90% helps that much if the price of ETH also increases by 500%. I doubt Ethereum's scalability problems (which are prohibiting the average person from using the network for multiple transactions per day) will be fully solved in 2021. The network might never be fully optimized for microtransaction use cases, especially when compared to emerging alternatives. I predict we'll see improvement and then some return of bloated network fees as ETH price continues reaching new support levels.
Community choice: 5% votes
What are your expectations of EIP 1559? Do you think miners will accept EIP 1559?
The hybrid system proposed by the EIP1559 is expected to come into the existence after "London hard fork" in July. Personally, I do not see any problem with the EIP1559 as the base fee burning feature is excellent and it would help to keep the Ethereum blockchain more secure by creating ETH more valuable. So definitely, I support EIP1559 to perform the transactions at a reasonable price i.e. I will be adding some tips to process my transactions. I have heard, more than 90% of bigger Ethereum mining pools have supported this proposal but some Chinese miners are discussing another fork. The idea of creating the forks to split the crypto community is itself a bad idea.
What are your predictions of ETH price in the next 6 months?
Implementation of EIP1559 for the Ethereum blockchain network might inspire ETH price to follow the bullish trends and I think, a massive upsurge in the price of ETH ($20K plus) can be seen in the next 6 months.
When will ETH 2.0 fully launch in your opinion? Some people say it’s possible to fully migrate from ETH 1.0 to ETH 2.0 in 2021. What is your take on it?
As Ethereum is already the biggest public blockchain network, protocol upgrade is not as simple as we are thinking now. So I really do not think the full upgrade process of ETH will be completed in 2021. It is a timeconsuming process and Ethereum is expected to be fully upgraded to ETH 2.0 in the four different phases. So I think ETH 2.0 will fully launch in 2022.
Community choice: 5% votes
What are your expectations of EIP 1559? Do you think miners will accept EIP 1559?
I think it is a good update, but it will only be to increase the price of ETH, since with the EIP 1559 all the commissions of the transactions and will reduce the ETH in circulation and that will definitely improve the price, the commissions will go down very little, although that is the main objective of this update. I feel like this update is not of much use, it would be better to wait until ETH 2.0 to see significant improvements in ETH. Miners of course do not accept this update (EIP 1559), because their profits were going down, all the high commissions were going to the miners, and that made them earn a lot of ETH, now they will only receive only the ETH mined and without commissions. But in my opinion, even if they don't accept it, they will have to accept it sooner or later, because I say you do what ETH developers and programmers say, and more if the update includes improvements in the ETH network.
What are your predictions of ETH price in the next 6 months?
The price of ETH will undoubtedly increase these months and could reach a maximum of $3000 per ETH In the next 6 months, with the EIP 1559 update I think the price will improve a little and more ETH 2.0's advance will undoubtedly hit alltime highs.
When will ETH 2.0 fully launch in your opinion? Some people say it’s possible to fully migrate from ETH 1.0 to ETH 2.0 in 2021. What is your take on it?
I think there is still a year to go, it could be mid2022 for everything to be complete. I don't think it will be possible to migrate ETH 1.0 to ETH 2.0 in 2021, it is a difficult process, although some of the more difficult things according to the developers it was achieved, and it is to get enough ETH from the validators so that the network works in proof of stake, there are still many updates left before fully hitting ETH 2.0 as EIP 1559 and first we will see what happens with this update and what is coming, we will have to wait at least 12 months to see a breakthrough in ETH 2.0 and be patient that everything goes well.
Community choice: 5% votes
What are your expectations of EIP 1559? Do you think miners will accept EIP 1559?
What I think is that there will be a considerable reduction in the costs of operating any Ethereum service. I don't think the miners are very happy, or at least in the subreddits where the subject is discussed, there seems to be a discrepancy of opinions. There is even talk of a split hard fork, which is what everyone fears in the end.
What are your predictions of ETH price in the next 6 months?
The logic of "supply and demand" doesn't work much with an asset with an infinite supply, in this case, the global massive adoption of the blockchain paradigm plays a fundamental role so that the price shoots up and it is valuable to operate in Ethereum. So I think that in the next 6 months there may be an altseason combined with an Ethereum Bullrun if everything goes well with the EIP 1559 and the ETH 2.0 plans don't suffer any anomalies.
When will ETH 2.0 fully launch in your opinion? Some people say it’s possible to fully migrate from ETH 1.0 to ETH 2.0 in 2021. What is your take on it?
I don't think that the step is as immediate as is speculated. In fact, it's also speculated that it may take up to 2 years for "dehybridization" for Ethereum 2.0 to take over. After all, we are talking about a complete shift in the consensus paradigm. Hopefully, it will be sooner than later, but in the end, I prefer to wait for a good product fully tested, and with all the safety protocols in order and following that idea I don't think we will see ETH 2.0 this year.
Community choice: 5% votes
What are your expectations of EIP 1559? Do you think miners will accept EIP 1559?
Along with ETH 2.0, EIP 1559 deployment could be a good solution for the main problems ETH has:
a) can reduce fees volatility,
b) facilitates transaction fee estimation in order to check if it is affordable in advance and
c) creates something similar to a permanent block reward witch can reduce instability issues.
And concerning miners’ acceptance, from my point of view, they don't have any other options in the end. They can protest and even threat, as they did, but they don't have other better options. As all know, the governance model has three key forces: developers, miners, and users. Miners can boicot ETH and, for instance, forks a new blockchain, but do they have any warranty others will follow? I don't think so.
What are your predictions of ETH price in the next 6 months?
The ETH price prediction is quite difficult, as always. And in this case, it's much more due to the July milestone for ETH 2.0 and others EIP like 1559. I think this milestone could be delayed a few months and impact price. Apart from that, the bull market will go on for the next months. So, based on these 2 points, I considerer ETH price will be higher. How much? To be honest, I don't know. I can bet the level $2,500 will be reached but is just a bet.
When will ETH 2.0 fully launch in your opinion? Some people say it’s possible to fully migrate from ETH 1.0 to ETH 2.0 in 2021. What is your take on it?
As I said in the last point, ETH 2.0 could be delayed a few months but I also consider that no more than this year.
Community choice: 3% votes
What are your expectations of EIP 1559? Do you think miners will accept EIP 1559?
I very much agree with EIP 1559, it will greatly improve the user experience and ultimately be of benefit to the community, ultimately the value of the Ethereum network is in its developers and users and in the long run even if there are dropin fees the miners will ultimately benefit with a growth in their profits. As for the miners, although there has been a hard group opposed to this new implementation, in general, the largest mining pools support the proposal.
What are your predictions of ETH price in the next 6 months?
The trend until October continues to be bullish across the crypto market and in the particular case of Ethereum, the dropin fees will attract users again so its price may continue to see further increases.
When will ETH 2.0 fully launch in your opinion? Some people say it’s possible to fully migrate from ETH 1.0 to ETH 2.0 in 2021. What is your take on it?
I think that although there are many expectations that the implementation will be completed in 2021 in my opinion I do not see it feasible, there are still several steps to take, and possibly the full migration will be completed by the end of 2022 or early 2023.
Community choice: 3% votes
What are your expectations of EIP 1559? Do you think miners will accept EIP 1559?
Hopefully EIP 1559 will lead to faster and more reasonable priced transactions on Ethereum. The longer these solutions take the more projects will be moving to the BSC chain. People are craving cheap transaction fees to buy into good new projects. That’s part of the reason for the rise of BNB.
What are your predictions of ETH price in the next 6 months?
I fully expect ETH to reach 10k plus USD. To be honest, I would be surprised if ETH does not reach 15k+ USD in this bull run.
When will ETH 2.0 fully launch in your opinion? Some people say it’s possible to fully migrate from ETH 1.0 to ETH 2.0 in 2021. What is your take on it?
The launch is expected in July this year. But delays are part of the game. I hope to see the launch by the end of the year.
Community choice: 3% votes
What are your expectations of EIP 1559? Do you think miners will accept EIP 1559?
Ethereum mining has been a particularly lucrative business of late. Mining pools have only a few options to stop EIP 1559 now that it’s included, and most of these would be considered actively hostile against the network. It’s a definite no from them.
What are your predictions of ETH price in the next 6 months?
Uniswap and ETH 2.0 are promising I feel it could reach 5k USD, it will surely find something to compete with BSC and BNB.
When will ETH 2.0 fully launch in your opinion? Some people say it’s possible to fully migrate from ETH 1.0 to ETH 2.0 in 2021. What is your take on it?
Vitalik is a bit slow on this but I believe it’s feasible! The sooner the better. I believe it will be ready before the winter!
Community choice: 3% votes
What are your expectations of EIP 1559? Do you think miners will accept EIP 1559?
When the Tx fees started to fluctuate so much going to unbearable heights, I thought never mind, it would pass, but it didn't and now I understand it will not pass, contrary it will get worse until Eth 2.0 is implemented. Imagine an asset valued at 50 USD, you have it but moving it costs 60 USD. It is so annoying for so many people. I think EIP 1559 is the only hope for Ethereum to keep its place in the industry until Eth 2.0. I am assuming that 2.0 will definitely solve all troubles like energy consumption and gas fees.
Miners are against EIP 1559 but they are not against 2.0. This makes me think they are trying to take advantage of as much as they can until 2.0 is implemented but they are working against themselves. There are Ethereum competitors already taking Ethereum's share in the industry. I think EIP 1559 will be implemented as planned and ungrateful miners will shut up.
What are your predictions of ETH price in the next 6 months?
The price of Eth will be in the range of 15002500 until EIP 1559 in July. After the upgrade, it could go 30004000.
When will ETH 2.0 fully launch in your opinion? Some people say it’s possible to fully migrate from ETH 1.0 to ETH 2.0 in 2021. What is your take on it?
I hope Eth2.0 will be fully implemented by the end of the year but I don't think it will not be ready before Q2 2022.
Community choice: 3% votes
What are your expectations of EIP 1559? Do you think miners will accept EIP 1559?
If miners see that in the long term their return on investment is justified then they will accept it. Believe that.
What are your predictions of ETH price in the next 6 months?
Price will grow due to the increased adoption of crypto as a whole, institutional adoption lately through the Coinbase IPO. Predict price to 2X3X by end of 2021.
When will ETH 2.0 fully launch in your opinion? Some people say it’s possible to fully migrate from ETH 1.0 to ETH 2.0 in 2021. What is your take on it?
Layer 2 solutions such as ZK snarks & rollups and others will give more time to work on ETH2.0 and development will not be rushed. most of the features of ETH2.0 are expected to be already implemented and felt in the network and will address scalability and gas fees. The switch from POW to POS as well is a huge step since POW is still by far the most trusted consensus algorithm.
Community choice: 3% votes
What are your expectations of EIP 1559? Do you think miners will accept EIP 1559?
We have seen that the major problem Ethereum is facing is the high cost of transactions as compared to that of the Binance chain. This is evident as seen in the price of BNB which has jumped from $50 to over $400 at the time of writing this piece within 3 months and it has gained the attention of crypto enthusiasm most especially the developers.
BSC can handle a higher number of transactions and much more room to grow in comparison to Ethereum and has changed the gas fee twice just from 2020 till date. First, the gas fee was lowered from 20 gwei to 15 gwei; the team at Binance then decided to lower the gas fee again. From now on, users only need 10 gwei to send a transaction (1 gwei is 0.000000001 BNB). One could have expected that the gas fee will rise when BNB token price rises as in Ethereum but its price continues to lower instead, to maintain its very cheap fee structure. In contrast, executing a transaction from one wallet to another costs around $0.03 on the Binance Chain, and implementing the same on the Ethereum network will cost about $7. In digging further, smart contract interactions cost $0.20 to $0.50 using the BSC, on Ethereum; these fees range from $60$2000.
Ethereum team are living no stone unturned and are aware of the above dilemma which brought about the Ethereum Improvement Proposal (EIP) 1559. With this, this will typically change how transactions are processed. Before, the user will send the gas fee to a miner for the transaction, the higher someone can afford is the likelihood of getting the transaction processed in a jiffy. Henceforth, if this proposal is implemented, the user needs not to send a transaction to the miner but the network itself as a sort of “burn” called basefee (a portion of the transaction that gets burned) with only an optional tip paid to miners. This is no by any doubt will go well with Ethereum miner and they have since kicked against the implementation of this proposal. This will make developers estimate gas prices for transactions more accurately and help users avoid overpaying, will remove fee manipulation, and will reduce the inflation on ETH.
The core advantage that EIP1559 will result in is a reduced cost of transactions and better user experience which the user and developers who are around to spend have been looking towards for a long.
What are your predictions of ETH price in the next 6 months?
ETH will not worth anything less than $5000 in the next 6 months if not overtaken by BNB with its rapid growth and users demands.
When will ETH 2.0 fully launch in your opinion? Some people say it’s possible to fully migrate from ETH 1.0 to ETH 2.0 in 2021. What is your take on it?
The ETH 2.0 is expected to launch in the last quarter of this year precisely in November. I think that it will be extended to the first quarter of next year as there have been several uncertainties that surround its implementation which the crypto community has been eyeing before the closure of the year 2020.
Community choice: 2% votes
What are your expectations of EIP 1559? Do you think miners will accept EIP 1559?
It makes sense for Ethereum to amend the gas fee system. Although the current gas fees do not point to a gloomy picture, soon a challenge will come. The current experience is many Dapps are migrating to the blockchain with lower gas fees such as TRON and BSC.
My perception is that the proposed gas fee structure or a better one will be adopted. This is because of the stiff competition that is likely to take place in the crypto space in the very near future. Therefore, the issue of the basefee is reasonable. Notably, with this new fee structure, the compensation system of miners will vary very little in response to demand and supply. And the tip will bring in an additional incentive for miners.
I believe that the miners will eventually accept the new structure, despite initial resistance. Our hope is that the restructuring has been effected after wide consultation with key stakeholders including the miners. Of course, research and advisory services have been taken into considerations.
What are your predictions of ETH price in the next 6 months?
The truth remains that the ETH will continue on its upward trajectory, with dips here and there. This is because of the increased involvement by institutional investors who are behind the current Bull Run. I foresee the ETH surpassing $5000 point within the next 6 months.
When will ETH 2.0 fully launch in your opinion? Some people say it’s possible to fully migrate from ETH 1.0 to ETH 2.0 in 2021. What is your take on it?
The migration to ETH2.0 will take a reasonable space of time. Personally, I expect it to be fully completed by the third quarter of 2022. Of course, the benefits of the migration shall be experienced within the second to the third quarters of 2021. However, it is most unlikely that the full migration is achievable in 2021.
Community choice: 2% votes
What are your expectations of EIP 1559? Do you think miners will accept EIP 1559?
Yeah, EIP 1559 is going to move forward. Miners will have to accept it, and hardware and energy costs will rise as a consequence initially. EIP 1559 just put a BandAid on a wound that needs stitches. If you have a memory leak, you can’t keep adding more RAM, and expect that system to be fine. You can already see attempts at fixes for this problem in the past, say for example with Coinbase, Binance, and other companies using mechanisms to effectively remove the gas fees, sort of rendering the entire concept of Ethereum pointless. It’s also given us platforms such as 1Inch, Uniswap, etc. I think it’s culminated into a situation of the community saying look “Do something, anything!” It’s probably not the right choice, but it’s better than what we have now.
What are your predictions of ETH price in the next 6 months?
I suspect that over the next 6 months we will see a wild ride. The only certainty we have is uncertainty. Not just on the digital landscape with EIP 1559; but we have so many changes coming in the next months in the real world. Corporations investing in cryptocurrencies would most likely rapidly sell off their shares if they see stock prices not going their way. All of this culminates into a great opportunity for big winners and losers. It’s the perfect time to get involved.
When will ETH 2.0 fully launch in your opinion? Some people say it’s possible to fully migrate from ETH 1.0 to ETH 2.0 in 2021. What is your take on it?
I could see ETH 2.0 being deployed by yearend. There are so many problems with the current version of the platform that users, and more importantly the corporations are pushing for its implementation. As you see with EIP 1159 people are going crazy in anticipation. We already have the roadmap, and picture for what is coming with ETH 2.0. Combine this with so many exchanges already asking clients if they want to start staking, I would say get ready for it, changes are going to be coming sooner rather than later.
Community choice: 2% votes
What are your expectations of EIP 1559? Do you think miners will accept EIP 1559?
It's a good thing, in my opinion, this may result in ETH becoming a deflationary asset, and this is definitely a pro against Bitcoin (that is already deflationary). Miners have to accept but I think they would try to fork... it will be a mess…
What are your predictions of ETH price in the next 6 months?
I'm not good about price prediction but I expect to see a higher price when fees will be reduced.
When will ETH 2.0 fully launch in your opinion? Some people say it’s possible to fully migrate from ETH 1.0 to ETH 2.0 in 2021. What is your take on it?
I think that devs will try to accelerate the process but in my opinion, ETH 2.0 will be fully migrated in the first months of 2022.
Community choice: 1% votes
What are your expectations of EIP 1559? Do you think miners will accept EIP 1559?
My expectations are high at the moment, as it will give Ethereum a more sustainable source of creation and an opportunity for the average Investor/Saver, to run a node or stake their holdings, in order to see the real interest over their investment, as seen in other PoS and DPoS Blockchains. There is no reason for the miners’ revolt unless their greed is clouding their judgment on the future ahead. And with this I mean, that Ethereum is not the only Dapp capable Blockchain, and like some Dapps so far, that started on Ethereum but migrated to other costeffective Networks, in order to please their investor and user in the long run. Many could potentially do the same.
What are your predictions of ETH price in the next 6 months?
Until Ethereum 2.0 is fully up and running, the price won't change much, due to the fact the network itself is a fee nightmare to get around, not to mention that it doesn't get burned, having the circulating supply on an evergrowing spree!
When will ETH 2.0 fully launch in your opinion? Some people say it’s possible to fully migrate from ETH 1.0 to ETH 2.0 in 2021. What is your take on it?
Most likely, midSummer or at the end of it! Yes, it is possible to do the migration at the moment, but it is in Stage 0. Making it a nightmare for the user to have a good night’s sleep. It all starts when there is the risk of seeing your staked assets locked firm for an average of 1.5 years, together with the possibility of market volatility and if you are not Code Savvy, you will be running trow a hell of a ride and with this I mean: Have someone by your side ready Call your Doctor as you are having a Heart Attack!
Community choice: 1% votes
What are your expectations of EIP 1559? Do you think miners will accept EIP 1559?
I do feel from the user side, EIP 1559 would be a welcome development since it allows for a more fair transaction fee. However, because EIP 1559 would lower the amount of fees that go to miners as the fees is not directly been paid by the user, but would now be issued by the network; in other words, the network determines what tip (or reward) to give miners majority of miners would not accept this upgrade.
What are your predictions of ETH price in the next 6 months?
We are seeing a lot of interest from institutional investors into the crypto space, especially on bitcoin. I believe their attention may shift towards Ethereum considering the potential ROI they can get when ETH 2.0 is launched. Hence, we could see an upward push of price to around 4k to 5k range.
When will ETH 2.0 fully launch in your opinion? Some people say it’s possible to fully migrate from ETH 1.0 to ETH 2.0 in 2021. What is your take on it?
Lastly, I feel the proposed ETH 2.0 full lunch may arrive end of Q1 to early Q2 2022. Considering the size of the project, for example, introducing the proof of stake model, shading, and the introduction of Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) requires a considerable amount of resources.
It seems that everyone is hoping the ETH token becomes a deflationary asset so the longterm ETH / USD price expectations may be supported by even more fundamentals. However, we should consider that the competition is not sleeping, so on the other hand many people are considering exchanging their ETH stake into other coins like Binance Chain, etc. in case of more delays because of the miners’ revolt or another outside impact on the Ethereum network development progress. By most people, the full Ethereum 2.0 migration will be done in the first quarter of 2022 so the ETH 2.0 network will accept the smart contract operations on its chain. Also, it looks that everyone is waiting for the ETH 2.0 because of high transaction fees now, and the 2.0 version should solve that problem.
Please Do Your Own Research always! We are not financial advisors, any information provided in this article is not intended as investment or financial advice. It is merely information based upon our own experiences. The information we present is of a general nature and should merely be used as a place to start your own research and you definitely should conduct your own due diligence. You should seek professional investment or financial advice before making any decisions.