Covalent (CQT) - May 2024 Price Update - 7.29% Breakout News and Analysis

Chart of a breakout coin price

On May 24, 2024, Covalent (CQT) experienced a significant breakout, surging by 7.29% to reach a price of $0.27. This notable increase in value marks a pivotal moment for Covalent, driven by a series of strategic developments and partnerships that have positioned the cryptocurrency favorably in the market. Several factors contributed to Covalent's recent price surge, each playing a crucial role in enhancing its market position and appeal to investors. Here are the key reasons behind this breakout:

LongTerm Data Infrastructure Supporting EVM L2s: Covalent's robust data infrastructure now supports top Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) Layer 2 solutions, utilizing blobs to address data availability challenges. This support covers a total value locked (TVL) of $5.4 billion, making it a significant player in the blockchain data space. Impact of new blockchain features

Partnership with University of Calgary: Covalent's collaboration with the University of Calgary as their first academic validator is a significant milestone. This partnership not only expands Covalent's network but also advances Web3 education and innovation. Partnership impact

Staking Migration and Galxe Campaign: The recent migration of staking from Moonbeam to Ethereum aims to alleviate network congestion and attract more users. Additionally, the upcoming Galxe campaign is expected to incentivize token holders, potentially increasing market cap and user engagement. Staking migration impact

Approval of Covalent ETF: The approval of an ExchangeTraded Fund (ETF) for Covalent is a gamechanger, allowing traditional investors to buy and sell shares linked to Covalent on stock exchanges. This move significantly broadens Covalent's investor base and market reach. ETF approval impact


Covalent is a decentralized data infrastructure project that leverages bigdata technologies to aggregate and provide actionable insights from blockchain data. Its mission is to simplify access to comprehensive blockchain data, enabling developers and investors to make informed decisions. Covalent's unique value proposition lies in its ability to aggregate data from over 225 blockchains, offering a unified API that delivers rapid and consistent data access. This sets it apart in the crowded cryptocurrency market by addressing the fragmented nature of blockchain data and providing a scalable, secure solution.

Key Features

Technological Innovations

Unified API: Aggregates data from multiple blockchains, providing seamless access to current and historical data. Granular Historical Data Access: Enables developers to build applications with functionalities that rely on past transactions and events. Secure OffChain Data Availability: Uses a decentralized oracle network to securely store and retrieve blockchain data offchain.

Use Cases

Investment Insights: Provides investors with individualized data by wallet, including performance metrics across digital assets. DeFi Applications: Facilitates the development of advanced DeFi applications like portfolio tracking, analytics tools, and credit scoring mechanisms. AI Integration: Supports AI use cases by providing unfettered access to onchain data.

Recent Developments

QuickNode Marketplace Integration: Covalent's Unified API is now available via QuickNode, enhancing its infrastructure capabilities. Partnership with Chainalysis: Integrates Covalent's data into Chainalysis's platform for comprehensive blockchain activity insights. Staking Migration: Transitioned CQT staking from Moonbeam to Ethereum, increasing decentralization and staking ratio. V0RTEx 01 Scroll Hackathon: Awarded $5K in prizes to top 3 projects out of 47 innovative entries. Ethereum Wayback Machine: Launched to address longterm data availability challenges.

Market Impact

Demand and User Adoption: The integration with QuickNode and Chainalysis is likely to increase demand for Covalent's API, driving user adoption. DeFi Ecosystem: Enhanced data access tools can significantly impact the DeFi ecosystem by enabling more sophisticated applications. Staking and Decentralization: The migration to Ethereum and increased staking ratio may boost investor confidence and market presence.

Risks and Opportunities


Security Concerns: Ensuring the security of offchain data storage and retrieval remains a critical challenge. Technical Issues: Potential technical issues during the progressive decentralization phase could impact user trust.


Developer Adoption: Simplified data access can attract more developers to build on Covalent's platform. Strategic Partnerships: Further collaborations with prominent DeFi protocols and blockchain platforms can enhance market position. Expansion: Continuous integration of new blockchains and DeFi protocols can cater to a wider range of use cases.

Community Engagement

Active Community: Engaged community on platforms like Telegram and Twitter, discussing recent developments and participating in campaigns. Hackathons and Campaigns: Regular hackathons and reward campaigns to incentivize community participation and innovation. Staking and Governance: Active discussions around staking and upcoming governance proposals, reflecting a committed user base.


Covalent presents a compelling investment opportunity with its innovative approach to blockchain data aggregation and access. The project's recent developments, strategic partnerships, and active community engagement position it well for future growth. Traders should consider Covalent's potential to drive significant advancements in the DeFi ecosystem and its robust market presence when making investment decisions. The project's focus on security, scalability, and developer adoption makes it a strong contender in the decentralized data infrastructure space.


Covalent's recent breakout can be attributed to strategic and technological advancements, including support for EVM L2s, a partnership with the University of Calgary, staking migration, and the approval of a Covalent ETF. These developments underscore the importance of conducting thorough research (DYOR) to navigate the complexities of the cryptocurrency market effectively.

Please Do Your Own Research always! We are not financial advisors, any information provided in this article is not intended as investment or financial advice. It is merely information based upon our own experiences. The information we present is of a general nature and should merely be used as a place to start your own research and you definitely should conduct your own due diligence. You should seek professional investment or financial advice before making any decisions.

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